Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Kindergardner Cop

I decided to post this conversation almost immediately after it happened. Then I put it off. Then I couldn't remember the hilarious thing the Grimmlet said. Then I forgot about the affair altogether. I relay all of this information as I cannot remember the details of the events that led to this conversation. Sorry.

Grimmlet [proudly] : Look how fat my tummy is! [Lifts shirt for better appreciation of her fat tummy.
Me: Wow. [Rubbing her buddha belly.] It's quite firm. Are you sure it isn't a tumor?
Grimmlet: [Eying her tummy a little suspiciously.] Hmm.
Me: Now you say, 'It's naht ah toomah!'
Grimmlet: It's not a tumor?
Me: Right.
Grimmlet: It's naht ah toomah!
Me: [Cracking up.]

1 comment:

suyapi said...

Spreading the Ah-nold early.