Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Please Do Not Hump

A sentiment that I do not hold. Except as it relates to dogs and my leg. Otherwise it is all good.

Anyhow, as is immediately apparent from the title of this post, I went for a train ride the other day. For the Thanksgiving day, specifically. Which is to say that I left on the day before Thanksgiving but arrived at my destination very early on Thanksgiving day.

It was quite chilly when I got off of the train and I immediately realized that I had forgotten my hat. Now, forgetting one's hat in Florida is rarely a problem. Even in February. But it was quite a bit cooler in SC than I am now accustomed to experiencing. My head did not appreciate the lack of hat (and hair.) This is why I cannot ever live north of the 30th parallel. I don't get along so well with cold.

Now I have been without the Grimmlet for almost 2 weeks. This sucks for obvious reasons, but it also means that I have not had any new opportunities to gather conversation scraps to feed the blog monster. So I will make some up about the train ride:

Me: Are you enjoying the train ride?
Grimmlet: [snore]
Me: Oh, right. It is awfully late.

Me: Do you mind if I continue playing Pokemon without your input?
Grimmlet: [snore]
Me: Oh, right. It is awfully late.

And on the return trip...

Me: [Giggling]
Grimmlet: Why are you shaking? I'm trying to sleep.
Me: That train has a sign that says "Please Do Not"...You know what? Go to sleep. It's very early.

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