Thursday, November 13, 2008

Low Hanging Fruit

Wow. I think I may be able to increase my post frequency if I keep on doing these Grimmlet conversations. At least until she grows up into a surly teenager who hates being seen in the same county as her totally uncool dad.

At the Wagon Wheel Pizza for dinner last night...
Me: What do you want to get? They have pasta and pizza and strombolli. Do you want to try a strombolli?
Grimmlet: I want pizza.
Me: OK, they have lots of different types. Here's one with lots of toppings on it. [Listing off all the toppings.]
Grimmlet: I don't want olives on my pizza.
Me: Well, we can pick those off.
Grimmlet: OK.

Later as she is picking half-heartedly at her food:
Grimmlet: I just remembered that I wanted a cheese pizza.

So I also got anchovies on the pizza. I had never had them before. It wasn't horrible, but they are pretty darn salty. Also, fishy. Though I was expecting that. I think the Grimmlet actually liked them more than I did. She likened them to tuna.

1 comment:

suyapi said...

Hm...a salty, fishy taste. Yup, that's exactly what I would expect from a cheese pizza.