Friday, November 30, 2007

Duel and Duality

Title unrelated to any hilarious Rowan Atkinson comedy.

So yeah, I was recently reading Julia Sweeney's blog and stopped on the phrase 'baby jesus'. I stopped because it seemed odd to me that she would use that term as she is an atheist. And then I stopped even more and really thought about the idea of baby jesus. As opposed to adult jesus as opposed to zombie jesus. In particular I wondered at the idea of 'making the baby jesus cry.'

Because, really, didn't baby jesus grow up into boy jesus who went through puberty and eventually became adult jesus? So how ridiculous is the idea of baby jesus being made to cry anyhow? Answer: very.

On the spot I decided that Christianity is more than just a quatratheistic religion. If you count baby jesus, adult jesus, zombie jesus, old testament god, new testament god, the holy ghost, and satan you have a 7 member pantheon. If you start trying to tally up various angels, it's as polytheistic as they come. If you throw in Mary and the saints (for Catholics) you've got a horde of supernatural agents to make the Forgotten Realms campaign setting look downright stingy with the gods.

Man do I ever hate the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. But I'd play in that setting given half a chance at this point. How old should I let the Grimmlet get before completing her geekamorphosis with RPGs?

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