Friday, November 30, 2007

Bzzzzzzzz! Bzzzzzzzz!

Why do I ever drink anything with caffeine? Midnight and I am awake. And paranoid. And jumpy. Perfect. I'm sure this will make me highly productive at work tomorrow.

Reading the Laura Ingalls Wilder books to the Grimmlet. It kind of blows me away that the story take place about 130 years ago. And that the land they settled which was then open and wild may well be a Wal-Mart parking lot now. Progress!

Not sure what to do for my NWN submission. Freakin' writer's block!

Update: I realize now that the coke I hade at 2ish in the afternoon is not the culprit. The Iced Heroine with Mint that I had at 7ish in the evening on the other hand... Crap! I totally meant to order it decaff. There should be a law that baristas have to ask if you REALLY want a caffeinated drink after 6.

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