Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Not that it really matters, of course.

But the problem with going away and not telling anybody and then suddenly reappearing with a *poof* sound effect and a puff of plaid smoke is that either people turn around because they heard the *poof* sound effect and only then realize that you have been gone or they don't hear the *poof* sound effect at all and never look at you again.

But who cares! Kr4ster's here! Well, really there, I suppose.

Which has nothing to do with the fact that some kid from my old high school left me a message urging me to donate money to some fund or other. Not somebody I knew, mind you, but some current student they have put up to cold calling alumi. I feel so sorry for that kid.

Do they have 15th year reunions? Cause I sorta missed my 10 year and I'd hate to have to wait for 20th to see those people again.


The Taco Prophet said...

I'm really glad kr4ster joined the party. Now if I could just get him to post more...

I skipped my 10 year reunion. Sadly, we elected the popular kids to be our student body representatives, not the smart ones, and evidently, those are the people who organize the event.

The dipshits we elected never managed to get the fuck out of town, and are still as desperate to do so as we all were when we were eighteen. So they decided to rent some hotel at the beach and hold it there. $100 a head (Yep. $200 to bring my wife), and it wasn't even in my old home town.

Here's a couple of hints, tards (who aren't reading this anyway, but fuck it):

I want to take my family around my old home town. I want to show my family the house I grew up in. I can't do that if you hold my reunion 2 fucking hours away from my home town.

I do want to see people I lost touch with and see what they're up to and how they're doing. But I'm not spending two hundred god damned dollars to spend an hour looking at people I couldn't be assed to keep up with.

I found out later that the reunion got canceled because they didn't manage to sell a single ticket. Guess I'm not the only one who decided they'd rather play Hide and Go Fuck Yourself with the organizers.

Where the hell did all that bitterness come from, anyway? Jesus. I blame it on the unit tests I'm being forced to write. They beat me on my lunch break. Call the police.

kr4ster said...

Yay! I'm here! Well, kind of, anyway.. To satisfy Taco, I'm kind of semi-required to maintain a weblog at work (purely work-related kind of stuff), which kind of burns me out on the webloggy stuff. I'm trying to use this thing to communicate with those I love and at the same time be vague enough so that when some future employer looks at this, I don't come off as the tard that I am..

As for dreaming about reunions.. There are maybe 10 people I want to see out of my graduating class of like 250.. My High School schedules these cruises for 10th reunions -- I'm half-convinced the school gets part of the take. Being that I'm not single anymore and that I love my wife, the whole point of the cruise wouldn't quite work for me.. Most of my classmates are either dead or in jail anyhow..

What I'd like to see is a reunion of all of the characters I knew in college.. Not so much the people, as I'm sure most of them have changed beyond recognition -- but the characters. I'll see if I can go into more detail in my weblog. There are some people from college that I still keep in touch with (some I didn't even associate with in college, but ended up hanging out with) that I wouldn't mind gathering together for an all-nighter -- alcohol, bad kung-fu movies, and a lot of reminiscing.. That's probably what I miss most from college..

Grimmstail said...

Weird. It must be something about Hartsville that drives away reunions. Because my GSSM 10th reunion was held in...Charleston. I think there was at least a vote set up to pick between Charleston and Columbia. I didn't have any real roots in Hartsville, but it just didn't seem worth it to go to some random-ass town for a reunion. (Of course, I probably would have gone had it been in Columbia, but then, I have free room and board there.)

I'd like to see everybody. Sort of a 'This is your life' thing. People from kindergarten, elementary school. (Where is Sara, my first crush, now?) Or Jennifer, my first school crush? Or Sheila, or Emily, or that other Sara, or Ally, or Alison, or Heather, or Carson, or any of my other crushes or possibly even some of the guys I used to know too?

suyapi said...

Ha! Yeah, I'm more interested in seeing the women I used to know in high school, too. The only guys I called friends, I still talk to (although less frequently than I should, but there you go). Of course, I didn't go to mine, either, as it was the same thing with the price, but they atleast kept it very close to the school. No way I'm paying $200 for 2 hours with people I couldn't be bothered to keep up with.