Monday, December 3, 2007

I got nothin

Seriously. I have nothing to say. But I think I will ramble on here for a bit out of some misguided sense of duty. Also, procrastination.

Or I could just stop writing and let that statement stand on its own. Without any further comment from myself. Except maybe in the comments section.

I took the Grimmlet to our cities' annual parade on Saturday evening. It was a short walk from our house to the parade route, which was awfully convenient. Unfortunately I massively underestimated the popularity of the parade and the entire sidewalk on the south side of the street was packed five deep. Not a problem, I thought, as we live to the north of the street in question. Until the parade finally got to us and it was immediately apparent that the parade was north-sidist.

At least half the floats face the south side of the street only. It might have been really disappointing for her if the parade had reached us before an hour+ past her normal bedtime. But she was awake (if zoned) for the 3/4 of the parade we saw.

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