Monday, November 5, 2007


Well, here it is. My fresh, brand-spanking new blog. May it experience more posts (if no more traffic) than the old blog. Probably not, though. ADD and experience inform my opinion that I will probably post here for about a week and then get bored and forget.

I just realized that as I have no audience, I need not introduce myself at all. ... And that this whole exercise is mental masturbation of the highest order. Yays!

Everyone's a critic. Blogger informs me that 'yays' is not a real word. Fuck off, blogger spell check. I likes my words like I likes my women! Uh...garbled, yet cutesy?

Okay, I got nuthin'. I dressed up as a Geico Caveman for Halloween. One of the women with whom I work thought I looked like a scary serial killer. She wouldn't talk to me for the whole day. It's funny too, I figured with the crazy beard and my crazy eyes I could do a serial killer. Then I went through every image on wikipedia and learned that, in general, serial killers seem to eschew facial hair. So I went as a caveman who was mistaken for a serial killer. I did win 2nd place in the costume contest. Go me!

Okay, that was good. I need a cigarette.


The Taco Prophet said...

I'm commenting on your blog just to spite you for saying that you have no audience. I'm all contrarylike in that way. Which is also apparently not a word.

I sporfled mightily at both your posts and the tags. Moar. Because MOAR!

Also, Grimmy's back! Yays!

Grimmstail said...

Hmmm. I suppose that means that this is no longer masturbatory.


We're having mental intercourse!



The Taco Prophet said...

I'm only a slut because nobody will pay for it.