Thursday, December 6, 2007

Damn you Old Timers!!!!!

I had stuff to say. Ideas of import to export. I really did. But they're all gone now. Flown the coop. Vile, murderous chickens that they are. I will kill them and eat them. They will be delicious. And I will use butter.

Also, kittens! They are cute! Too bad they grow up to be cats. Vile murderous cats.

Here's something really funny. Brain not worky so gud now. Do linky own time. Make fun.


The Taco Prophet said...

Someone once told me that you eat kittens over rice.

Grimmstail said...

Good times, man. Good times.

Except the very weird date. That was just weird.

The Taco Prophet said...

I tried to warn you. Damn the lack of cell phones we suffered in the late 90's!

Grimmstail said...

Hey, I could have made the logical leap that the girl who believes a complete stranger when he tells her that somebody she knows has been offline sacrificing puppies!!! might not be super date material. But I had to find that out for myself.

I do that.

The Taco Prophet said...

In my defense, the dark gods really do love puppies.