Saturday, February 21, 2009

Revving Up the Hate Engine

OK, maybe hate is a little bit strong. But the Sadly Unimpressed Engine just doesn't have the same ring. At any rate, if you want to make absolutely sure that I will not share your high opinion of something the easiest way to go about this is simply to extol the virtues of this hypothetical thing. Allow me to illustrate this point with several examples pulled from ancient through recent history.

Clerks - Back in the college years I remember coming back to school after a semester of working at a co-op job to roommates who had apparently each experienced multiple, hands-free orgasms while watching Kevin Smith's Clerks. They couldn't stop talking about how freaking awesome this movie was and how it would simply blow my mind. (Or other regions as I have already mentioned.) So I was, needless to say, somewhat let down when I saw the film the next weekend. (For this I wasted two hours? Two hours that I could have used to fritter away on some other pointless task?) Did not like. The movie Kids also falls into the category as the circumstances were identical. (May have even been the same semester?)

World War Z - I'm not a zombie aficionado, and that may have something to do with my response to this book. Regardless, I avoided it for some time simply because I was worried that I might not like it. (Also because despite my non zombie fan status I was attempting at the time to work on some zombie stuff and didn't want it tainted (or worse find that it was redundant.) At any rate, I did finally read it and was it ever a disappointment? Yes. Yes it was. I still haven't told TacoP. Hi, TacoP!

Watchmen - I think in this case that I must have read the wrong comic books. Seriously, I'm the only person in the world who doesn't think this is the best comic series EVAR. I'll probably go see the movie, though. Maybe it will somehow reach through my Super Cynical Mind Shield power. Probably not. Have to admit that I find the commercials pretty annoying.

So the upshot is that the best way to get me to like something is to not tell me that it is any good before I go to see it. Otherwise you should get ready for me to be a big fat wet blanket after I have seen/read/wahtevered the work in question. Also note that I will, in return, rarely speak highly of works that I like in non subjective/personal terms. Because I want you to like it!


kr4ster said...

I feel pretty much the same thing about "Kids" and "Watchmen" (albeit, I'm not finished with Watchmen yet).. I just didn't like Kids and so far the plot Watchmen doesn't seem really cohesive..

Grimmstail said...

For me, the plot wasn't really the problem with Watchmen. I guess I was just expecting something more than it turned out to be. ...


Oh dear.


There are going to be nearly naked blue dudes at DC this year aren't there?

The Taco Prophet said...

Clerks: I liked the dialogue a lot. I liked the snappy delivery and enjoyed the absolute disconnectedness from everything going on around them. The movie was okay, but not great... really just a vehicle for two hours of snappy dialogue. Meh.

World War Z: I won't try to pretend it's just oozing with literary merit, but as a pulpy fun read, I thought it was great. One of the rare zombie stories that understands that a good zombie story isn't about zombies, it's about the people trying to survive them. Loved it loved it loved it. I can see it being kinda boring if you're not into zombie stories though.

Watchmen: Seriously loved it. Just reread it after ages, and found it better than I remembered. Some things I didn't like in it, but overall, I thought it was great. I don't really have enough breadth of background in comics to gush about how it ranks, but I do think it's the best I've ever read personally.

All that said, I definitely sympathize with hatreds nobody gets. I've been taking shit for weeks because a couple of my friends found out how much I can't stand Salma Hayek. You two probably love her too, so go ahead and take your shots. She's awful.

Grimmstail said...

World War Z: Actually, it was the fact that he made his superzombies super that really turned me off. I totally understood that for a the concept he needed non-rotting zombies. I accepted that. It was the zombies that inexplicably survived the crushing depths of the ocean that really annoyed me. Also, I can't believe people didn't turn to zombie power by the end of the book. Think about it. Zombies need no sustenance and never tire. Capture zombies and put them into giant hamster wheel dynamos and put a little hamster in front of them. It's the ultimate in green power!

Salma Hayek: Via imdb I note that I have seen her in Dogma, Four Rooms, Desperado, and Dusk till Dawn. But I found plenty of hot pictures of her too. So my conclusion is that she is pretty hot. Also, I only actually remember the character from Dogma and I liked her in that. Is it her acting you find offensive or her looks?

Watchmen: There was nothing in it that I particularly disliked, but at the same time there was nothing in it that I particularly liked. It simply doesn't move me in the same way it does others. I suppose I should be sad that I am missing something.

Clerks: I think South Park does the detachment thing better.